24/7 Live Answering Services
A 24/7 live agent answer and messaging service is a proven and cost-effective method for businesses to handle calls when staff is unavailable. Recent statistics from Forbes magazine show that 80% of callers sent to voicemail do not leave messages because they don’t believe they will be heard. An answering message service is more than just someone answering your valued customers calls, a 24/7 live answering service is an extension of your business. Our professional staff at Big Sky Call Centers will insure your callers are greeted by a courteous and helpful voice and will insure you receive accurate messages in a timely manner.
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Virtual Reception
Call Volume Assistance from Big Sky Call Centers
Do you require a receptionist but it isn’t in your budget or your call volume doesn’t warrant the expense? Is your front line staff not able to answer all your inbound calls because they are either on the phone or busy with other administration work? Do you want your people to take lunch but you are concerned about missing calls over the break? If so, then Big Sky Call Center’s virtual reception service is for you. A virtual receptionist offers all the benefits of full time front office staff but at a fraction of the cost. By utilizing features such as “call forward busy” “call forward busy” or “call forward no answer” provided by your current telco company, we can seamlessly assist you with your call volume.
Handle Peak Season Call Volume
Our virtual reception services are perfect if you experience increased call volumes at certain peak seasons. We offer the option to pay by the call not by the minute when you subscribe to any or our cost-effective virtual reception plans. Contact us today about our virtual reception service.
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Emergency Response
In the event of any situation, may it be a municipal emergency, oil and gas emergency or any type of event that requires emergency action, our trained agents at Big Sky Call Centers will handle your calls as set forth by your company’s procedures.
As all calls may not be of an urgent nature, Big Sky will screen and forward time stamped, detailed non-urgent emails or text messages to your designated employees for next business day viewing. Review the calls each morning with our customized morning message summaries. If you require evacuation or instant alert functionality to a large group of people ask about our call blast software which can deliver hundreds of telephone calls or SMS messages within minutes and confirm results.
Emergencies aren’t planned but your response plans can be. Contact us today to find out more about our emergency response service.
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Help Desk Support
When businesses require exceptional help desk or customer service support they rely on Big Sky’s Call Center agents to log trouble tickets or offer tiered support utilizing our customizable forms software. Do you have a form that you use in your day to day business you wish for us to use? Do you need us to design one for you? Do you require customized scripts for our agents to follow? Our customizable forms software allows us to build your custom forms in mere minutes. Rest assured that our 24/7 agents will handle your clients inquires immediately and professionally. Contact us today to find out more about our help desk support service.
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Alarm Monitoring
Customized Alarm Software
SCADA alarms, refrigeration alarms or virtually any alarm that can deliver an event notification via email, SMS or voice is an alarm that we can monitor. Regardless of the delivery method, at Big Sky Call Centers we have you covered with our customized alarm software insuring that all alarms are dealt with immediately and accurately. Contact us today to find out more about our SCADA Alarm Monitoring service. As well as being able to respond to field alarms Big Sky also specializes in elevator alarm monitoring.!
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Elevator Alarm Monitoring
Being enclosed or trapped in a stalled elevator can be a traumatic experience. Our agents recognize the seriousness of these calls and the compassion that is required to ensure the passengers are calm and safe. Our elevator monitoring service will ensure your on-call technicians are dispatched quickly and effectively to the proper location each and every call. Contact us today to find out more about our elevator monitoring service.
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Lone Worker Safety
24/7 Lone Worker Monitoring
All industry and businesses have lone workers and it’s the law that employers are required to protect them. In conjunction with our sister company, Lone Worker Safety Solutions, at Big Sky Call Centers we offer several compliant options to keep your people safe. All of our solutions are backed by our 24/7 lone worker monitoring centre. From smart phone apps to cellular panic buttons to satellite and intrinsic solutions, at Big Sky we have you covered.
Visit our sister company at Lone Worker Safety Solutions or contact us today to find out more about our lone worker safety products and services.
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Journey Management
Protection for Worker Travel At Big Sky Call Centers, we are proud to offer JourneySafe, our comprehensive journey management software program. This program protects workers by by assessing the risk of an upcoming planned travel session. Our pre-travel risk survey is quickly conducted by our highly trained agents prior to any worker travel. Weighted and scored survey questions determine the travel risk factors. Currently Big Sky provides JourneySafe protection to more than 2000 workers across Canada and the USA. Contact us today to find out more about our journey management programs and services.
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Social Media Monitoring
Social Media Monitoring in Calgary
The way the people receive information has changed drastically in the past few years with the advent of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. How can all of this information be managed in real time to ensure that any newsworthy information pertinent to your business is harvested and acted upon?
The Social Media Monitoring Calgary Relies On
Big Sky has developed a program that ‘scrubs’ selected social media feeds for key words that, in turn, are sent to our center’s centralized monitoring alarm hub to action. Stay on top of news feeds, sales leads or any information that may keep you one step ahead of your competition. Get in touch with Big Sky Call Centers Inc. today to learn more.
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Paperless Forms
The Customized Paperless Forms Calgary’s Most Efficient Companies Use
With the advent of smartphones and tablets, the transition to customized paperless forms is now a reality. Gone are the days of relying on workers to complete and submit their paper forms in the course of the business day. Mobile forms completed in the field are filed, sorted and collated in real time in cloud folders for your review and implementation. The data collected goes from entry to analytics immediately.
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Automated Outbound Surveys
Our Automated Outbound Surveys Garner Quick Results
Need to get to your survey target audience quickly and economically? Our automated, custom-designed surveys cost pennies per survey with vastly improved results when compared to old-style, live operator surveys using auto dialers.
Client Surveys for Calgary Area
Whether your company needs customer satisfaction surveys, client retention surveys or municipality surveys, Big Sky Call Centers Inc. can provide them, each automated with comprehensive result summaries emailed upon completion. Surveys can be voice responsive, key press or a combination of both with options to zero out to our contact center if your client wishes to speak to an agent.
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